Teenagers with Autism are Awesome!
So what have we been up to the past few months? Not blogging apparently... The addition of my 5th grade daughter to our homeschool day has made for very little writing time! And thanks to my husband's Christmas gift of an Ikea chaise lounge for our bedroom, any down time I get, I find myself curled up on there with a cup of tea and a good book...this introverted mama needs some alone time after all:) As spring desperatly tries to bloom here in Virginia, I find myself watching Jackson grow into a man before my very eyes. He just turned 14 a few weeks ago and seems older and wiser with each passing day. He is tall, strong, handsome and charming. He is funny, gregarious, extroverted and friendly. He is musical, athletic, comedic, and techy. He is moody, loud, disruptive and angry. He loves YouTube, Netflix, Sports Center and The Colbert Report. He is 14 and acts more "neuro-typical" everyday...for better or worse. H...